" I give the highest possible recommendation for Donald Kehl... His advice and assistance has always been invaluable to me. My professional experiences have always been gratifying. He is completely reliable... and is fast and accurate."   -- Academy, Emmy & Ace Awards winning composer Fred Karlin

I started playing guitar on stage at the age of 5 and have been playing every instrument I could get my hands on since, including piano, bass, flute, violin, percussion, tablas, and - through MIDI keyboard – every instrument in the world, both synth and sampled. My 6 years of vocal lessons have proven priceless when producing singers.

Not long after earning a degree in composition, I purchased a sampler and the equipment to record my own music. After receiving several calls to my unlisted number from other musicians and composers requesting my expertise and advise, I decided to open Alpha Recording to other artists.

This unintentionally branched out into project management, consultation on the graphic and text elements for CD releases, and creative and marketing consultation on all sorts of projects including films, scripts, books, television, plays, and radio.

I truly care about every artist’s inner vision and what they want to express. I am an artist myself and understand the creative process and it’s challenges. It is a privilege to help make that inner dream become real in an extraordinary way for everyone I can.

Even after 30 years as a producer, composer, arranger, and mixing and mastering engineer, I still find creating music with talented artists a very exciting, intimate, and truly rewarding experience.
One of my greatest joys is to see an artist‘s talent blossom as their music comes to life.

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